THEME:  Managing Construction Clients

COURSE:  Client Management

Lesson:  Client Management Overview
Description: Learn how to manage your client relationships just like you manage every other part of your business.  Be prepared for the inevitable bumps that are part of every building project.
Format: Text, Audio
Download: Links

Lesson: Client Contract Series
Description: Here are samples of the contracts I use to take a prospect from Concept to Construction, while documenting each step along the way.
Format: Text, Audio, Slide Deck
Download: Samples, Forms

Lesson: Real Estate Contract Addendum
Description: This is for the spec builder who winds up selling the project through a broker before it is finished.  This document suggests some strategies for you to use to protect yourself in this type of transaction. 
Format: Text
Download: Form

Lesson: Why Initial Specifications Are Critical
Description: How do you know where you are unless you know where you've been?  This document sets the baseline specifications on a project from which you develop the first estimate. It also lets the client know that anything different from this list is a change.
Format: Text, Audio
Download: Worksheet

Lesson: Client Management Documents
Description: Here are five of the most important documents on the website.  The Confirmation of Instructions, Notice of Completion, Draw Request, Delay Notice and Restart Notice are key to controlling your client relationship. Fail to use them at your, and your business's, peril.
Format: Text, Video, Audio
Download: Samples